Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm married!!!

Finally it's all over! Hated to end the trip though and come back to work. Work sucks. And the hotel was so nice. I took pictures... they will be posted one day. But the wedding was beautiful and went well. I'll have to track down all my photographers and see how all the pictures turned out.

Things that have happened since we got back: Troubles with the hotel/bank and randomly deciding to make up new rules to the game without telling anyone... Finding that I've 'misplaced' one of my credit cards and freaking out because I know I just had it in my hand... Staying up late after we get back to 'clean' and rearrange all of our furniture (his idea)... Stalling going back to work today and going out to buy a new refrigerator (also his idea). It's been crazy these last 24 hours.

But good things were waiting for me when I returned. The ball winder I ordered from Joann's right before we left. I finally understand the obsession. It's so much fun! And also another package from my SP11. It's a little clip on flower and some seeds and yarn with a pattern so I can try out stranded knitting. And all in the wedding colors!!! Again, when the battery is charged for the camera, pictures will come.

On the knitting front... At the last minute I decided to knit myself a wedding garter and amazingly got that done in just a matter of hours- half of which was driving time in the dark (I wasn't driving of course). Other then that the only project I took with me was the lone sock that needed it's toe done. Still need to kitchener but that's all that's left. Then a whole other sock to go.

While in Savannah I tried to find a yarn store to visit but of course I forgot to look some up in the computer before we left. I ended up thumbing through the phonebook, only to find out that after nearly an hour of driving around trying to locate the one store that is listed, they packed up and moved to New York 2 months ago. BAH!!! So no vacay yarn for me...

Later days!

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