Friday, July 6, 2007

Quick post on what's to come- Pictures added

Busy as a bee here at work but taking a quick break for this... hopefully I don't get in trouble :)

Happy late 4th of July to everyone! Mine was ok. P's sister came up to spend the day and 'party' with us. We went to a cookout and hung out with some cool people and adorable kids and ate some delicious food. Then we came home and shot off a million fireworks- and I only managed to burn myself once! Unfortunately, I had to work the next day so my festivities ended early. Darn those mid-week holidays!

So, I've dyed some more yarn and as soon as I get home I will post a picture. It's blue and green and pink and so bright! The color reminds us of the Baja Starbursts (minus the red ones)- so yummy!!!

Bad thing about dyeing yarn- it can be quite addicting! For example- My partner for the Swap-bot "I love sock yarn" swap mentioned that she likes the colors blue, white, and green. And she hates purple! Well, since there are no LYS that near by and I don't really feel like driving an hour for only one skein of sock yarn (and I really can't afford to go anyway because there is no way I'll be able to leave with only one skein of yarn) I started looking online- etsy and the sorts. She did say she like indie dyers. Well, I just didn't like any that I saw. Correction I like a LOT of it, but it didn't seem right for her. Either it was too crazy bright or not dark enough or, in most cases, there was purple in the color way. My solution? I ordered a 1 lb cone of Kona superwash to make my own... They always say, if you want something done right, do it yourself, right? yeah, well, we'll see how that goes.

Speaking of swaps, look at this gorgeous roving I sent to my Summer Fiber swap partner! I had a hard time parting from it, even though I haven't learned to spin yet. I just kept petting it and wishing I had a spindle, just to play with it. Gotta put that one on my next thing to do list. I also made her some stitch markers last night. I think they were pretty neat and they used the three colors she listed as her favorites. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture before mailing them off this afternoon. Blah.

All this swapping is so much fun. Of course, P doesn't understand but who does that surprise? It makes me happy though. And I just signed up for the best swap ever! In case you haven't got the memo, it's time for Secret Pal 11! Finally my chance to get in on the action! The hardest part is waiting to meet my pal, hopefully the month will pass quickly!

So my goal was to finish the Liesel scarf by July 4th. I was cranking it out there at a great pace for a while, but then the weekend hit- and P thinks the weekend is the perfect time NOT to knit... as if I get to knit much any time during the week, between working, feeding him, cleaning his clothes, and sleeping. Needless to say, it's not done, but I do feel like it could get that way in the near future. I had planned on using up the one hank of Cascade Sierra, but now it's looking like it might not be long enough. I do have a second hank, but I'm hoping not to have to use it. Hopefully it will stretch out nicely when it's blocked... *crosses fingers*

Only 10 more minutes until I can clock out and then go home again and get back on the computer to show you my pretties! Smiles until then!!!
Bonus pics: My gorgeous blooms!

(If you can't tell, I do love picture posts!)

1 comment:

jenknits said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful batt. When the box came I was a little confused wondering why I had received a package since I didn't remember ordering anything recently. Imagine my elated little squeel when I realized it was a surprise package! Yippee!
I love the fiber and the other goodies. You did a great job on the stitch markers - you can never have enough of those since they're always getting lost or left in unfinished projects. :)
Thanks again!