Saturday, June 9, 2007

(Long Past) Time for an update...

I'd say I've been working on a lot recently, but seeing my project list, I guess I'd have to disagree. I try to spend almost all my free time knitting, but unfortunatly, I have two issues with that, the first being that I have very little free time as of late, since starting my new, first ever, REAL job. The second being that my dear sweet fiance believes it a waste of time and throws a multitude of distractions my way whenever I do manage to pick up the needles. Nevertheless, I have gotten some done.

Mid-May Dishcloth KAL- I still need to tuck in the end and block it, but I love it already. I think it was called Stepping Stones? If you'd like a link to the pattern, leave me a comment or something and I'll get that to you.

I started the Liesel scarf (I can get you that link too if requested- I'm just too tired to hunt them down right now). It seems very similar to the Branching Out Scarf featured in Knitty, but I think I like the look of this one a bit more. I'm about halfway through the sixth repeat and it's nearing 10 inches long. I can't wait to get it done and block it!

This weekend I decided to continue work on that crochet piece I believe I mentioned in the last post- Lion Brand's Four Seasons Bolero using Matrix yarn. I finished the back section a while ago and and doing good progress on the front left panel (when I pick it up to work on it anyway). Hopefully it will look a bit better after washing and blocking, 'cause I'm not impressed as of yet.

And finally, the wrap that I started on the trip to Jacksonville... sadly it has been put aside since that trip since I rarely find myself in a bathing suit nowadays. Just no time. I had thought I would have it finished in no time, but it seems those rows just keep getting longer and longer and I made so many mistakes on the last row and didnt' feel like back tracking so I just put it away. At this point, it's approximately halfway done and getting no closer.

I did try to start another pair of socks this week, but to no avail. I wanted to try my hand at toe up and I just couldn't get the cast on- atleast not while trying to control my DPNs while bumping around in the passenger's seat... I think I'm going to give it another try though before the weekend is over- I need some small project to have with me at work! (only for during my breaks, of course :) )

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