Monday, July 23, 2007

arg!!! family

Not even 24 hours into our wedding planning and they're already pitching a fit... and that's just his family! I haven't even mentioned it to mine yet. In fact, with all this, I'm almost afraid to tell them and have to start hearing it from both sides. You'd think that after everyone keeps hounding us about when we are going to set a date and actually get married they could be happy for atleast a little bit... oh well... learn to love them, right?


Anonymous said...

Hello! I found you through Swap-bot. Nonetheless, families have a way of getting in the way of things. Mine sure did during the planning of my wedding. What I did (and I don't suggest this) is not tell anyone the date until 4 days before - we were married at the courthouse. It really helped to relive my stress, but my grandmother wouldn't speak to me for a week afterwards (she wanted us to go to a church). Good luck - eventually they will come around and see that they are missing out on a very important time in your life.

By the way - I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Wow someone, my age, that knits too??? I ought to start a blogger too....but I will show you some stuff that I have made, and you just make sure you post everything you do here :) K ready? this one is my pride and joy-- Pink cotton tablecloth center
Full shot of tablecloth
Blue Sweater
Norweigan Stocking
Thats all I have posted for now. I'm working on and off on the Mediterranean Stole from A Gathering of Lace. I hope to finish it and have it for my wedding(nope not engaged or nothin yet but we've been together for a little over 4 years so its coming EVENTUALLY!!)I love lace sooo much. As you can tell from my tablecloth. I hope your wedding planning comes along well, ignore the fam they'll come around!